Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

We had a great day. Stephanie and her family came over for dinner along with one of Gabe's friends, and Greg's friend Kiley and his kids. We ate, then the kids played the Wii bowling/golf/baseball while the big kids played Guitar Hero (we are addicted to that game). We each take turns to see who can play the song to the end. We had pumpkin pie for dessert then we all went home (except for us, since it was at our house). I love being able to see your thanksgiving pictures and hear about your day.
This is my turkey I made. We ate buffet style so it didn't make it onto a platter. I mean really, could you ask for a better looking turkey.
Dominick, Aaron, Connor and Aiden playing the Wii after dinner.
Gabby full of turkey sitting on the couch.


pkabow said...

Sounds like you had a great day and I'll bet Connor loved hanging out with all those boys! That is some huge turkey!!!

ebow said...

Gabbi is one cute kid! Looks like the boys had lots of fun. I cooked my turkey in a bag, which makes it really moist, but the bag stuck to the skin and it didn't look as picture perfect as yours. What did you do? Our kids want a Wii but I can't find them anywhere! If you guys ever see one could you buy it and we can pay you back and for shipping? I guess this year they are harder to find than last year. Anyway, happy Thanksgiving!

KKPharmD said...

I stuffed the turkey with sliced orange, lemon, onion and fresh rosemary (if I had fresh sage and thyme I would have used it too). Then I used about 3/4 stick of butter and melted it with 1 1/2 tsp of salt, pepper and 2 tablespoons of a mix of dried herbs (marjaram, thyme, basil, bay, oregano, rosemary). I drizzled and rubbed onto the turkey this melted yummy mess. I put it in the over covered with about 3 cups chicken broth. I put the oven at 400 for about 40 min. then lowered it to 325 until about an hour and half before done. I took the foil tent off and let it brown until the temp was 160 degrees F, I took it out of the oven and covered (rest) until the temp was 170 degrees. I got the recipe from Food Network.,,FOOD_9936_81615,00.html

Michelle Lee said...

Wow K-K, great looking turkey. It sounds like you and your family had a great Thanksgiving. Great pictures of the kids playing and resting on the couch. You have always been an awesome cook. I will have to try that turkey recipe next year. I love the speckled spices all over the turkey. Erica, I will look for a Wii too here in Reno. I'll call you if I find one.

Jamie said...

Looks like you all had a wonderful and filling Thanksgiving:) The kids look very happy and content with that Wii:)