Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A day at Town Center Mall

This playground is in the middle of the new outdoor mall on Las Vegas Blvd, Town Center. We got there a little early for Santa pictures and Connor had a great time playing on all of the slides, houses, rocking horses, maze and pretend kitchen. He played so hard that when we went for Santa pictures, he almost fell asleep on Santa's lap.


pkabow said...

Where is this mall? Is this the one Brett worked on?

Michelle Lee said...

That mall looks cool. That's a smart idea to have fun things for the kids to do to tire them out before shopping.

DJ said...

I wished we had a play place like that here. We have a play area in the middle of one of our malls that I've taken the kids to twice now, but it's usually so crowed...about 40 kids last week!