Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Connor's Graduation and School Pics

Pre-School Graduation picture.

What a handsome boy!

All grown up.

What a sweet smile.


DJ said...

He definitely is a handsome boy. He is so cute, will he start kindergarten in the fall and do you know if it's all day or half? Once they start school, time flies, Alanna just started kindergarten and now she'll be in the 8th grade come August. It's crazy. I loved your pictures, I'll update soon, first I have to get through the next two weeks of school and finals and then the wedding!!!!

Jennifer said...

Ahhh, those are so cute. Conner is getting so mature looking. Great photos!

Michelle Lee said...

Congratulations Connor!!! He made it through pre-school and now for kindergarten. He is such a smart boy, I know he will do great. I love the pictures of him. Get some made bigger and hang them on the walls in your house or his room. He must be so proud of how handsome he looks.

Jennifer said...

Hey Sister, what are you up to? Post some new photos, I miss seeing you. Mama says you aren't able to come to the reunion. We will miss you guys lots but, I think the reason why is great. Tell Greg I love him and I am happy for his wise decision. Love ya'll Jenn

pkabow said...

I'll bet you are so proud of that smart and handsome son. You have done a good job of raising him! I'll bet he does well next year in Kindergarten.