Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Connor's 1st day of Kindergarten

Connor posed for me to take a picture of him all dressed up and ready for his first day. I had to go to work and daddy was taking him.

Here is another cute picture with his Go! Diego Go! backpack (and this is not the "rescue" backpack he wants, I still need to find this elusive item).

Greg sent me these pictures from his phone when he was dropping him off at school.


Michelle Lee said...

Congrats to Connor on his first day of school!!! What a big boy. I hope he likes his teacher and other classmates. He is a smarty pants already. He looks extra cute in the pictures.

DJ said...

How grown up and cute is he?! Wow, I remember you in the hospital having him...time flies, I remember Aubrey starting kindergarten, she wore this blue, white and black stripe dress with a bright pink bow...very 80's, she's going to be 30 on her next birthday...good grief. It was fun looking at all your pictures. Wish we were closer, hope you all are well, Love Debbie

pkabow said...

What a big boy! I think he needs a baby sister or brother! He sure looked really cute going off to school like a big boy. Good work, KK getting all that gardening done.