Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

The gang posing for pictures

Connor with the girls next door.

My pumpkin carving skills.

We are all dressed up and ready to trick-or-treat.

Me getting ready to carve pumpkins. What a sticky mess.

Enjoying an evening at the pumpkin patch.

Connor had fun playing on the rides.


DJ said...

WooHoo!!!You posted some new pictures. You all look great, love the costumes. How's everything going, I haven't talked to you in a while. I'm suppose to be doing some homework, I'm taking a small break and seeing what everyone did for Halloween, I'll post our pictures tomorrow. Take care, Love Debbie

ebow said...

Love when you post! Cute costumes and I love your necklace on the night of the carnival/pumpkin picking. That's great Connor has fun neighbors and family his age. Keep on posting. We love it!

Jennifer said...

Kay Lynn, you look so awesome, yeah, hot Mama! I love your costume. That is a great shot of you. I also love your 'creepy' pumpkin. That must have been tricky to do the lettering. Sorry we couldnt make it to the party, we will try to get you guys over dinner one of these nights instead. Love ya! Jenn

Michelle Lee said...

Hi K-K, Greg and Connor. It's great to see new pictures of everyone. I like the costumes that you were wearing. Kay-Lynn, you look great. Good luck on the new adventure(baby). I hope it happens fast for you and that you have a girl this time. Looks like fun at the carnival and trick or treating with the neighbors. Connor is getting so big now and very handsome. I bet he can't wait for a little brother or sister. Keep us posted on any new news. Take care of yourself and thanks for posting. We check your blog everyday, well almost everyday. I haven't been on the computer in a week and I'm catching up today. I will post new pics of the twins today. Luv ya.