Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Here are few pictures of our Thanksgiving. I was sick that day, but still managed to pull out a killer turkey with all the sides and fixings. Stephanie and her family, a couple of their friends came over to celebrate the day with us. Rebeca also came by and helped me out with a few things. We smoked one turkey and I cooked the other in the oven. I made homemade mashed potatoes (or as we call them heart attack potatoes), green bean casserole, stuffing, and mom's English pea salad.

I hope everyone had a good holiday and enjoyed some shopping the day after (I know I did!). I'm back to work this next week after having a couple days off. I can't believe that December is already here and another Christmas and New Years are right around the corner. I miss everyone around the holidays and having to drive to each others houses for potluck dinners and presents.


ebow said...

What seasonings did you put on the turkey in the picture? It looks divine!

Michelle Lee said...

Happy Thanksgiving to your family!!! Your turkey looks great. I bet it tasted great too. We had a nice day here with Dave and Rose Lee and Deanna as our guests. Then, Barry and I and the twins went to Eugene to spend time with Barry's mom Carolyn and his grandma Margaret. We also went to Dave and Rosie's house for another big Thanksgiving dinner with about 20 people there. We had a nice weekend getaway. Now it's time for Christmas!!

Jennifer said...

Hey Kaylynn, just wanted to say Hi, and thank you so much for the birthday cards for me and Zoey, it was such a pleasant surprise! I love your new blog colors and I wanted to tell you how much Conner looks like Gregs Mom in that picture..same lips and smile, nose, everything. Too cute. Love Jenn